Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My step mother, Penny, who is Jeannette's Godmother, came out from California to see her little Goddaughter in person and they really seemed to hit it off. I think they both enjoyed the short visit.

Penny's sister, Karyn, who lives in North Georgia also came down to visit. Karyn hadn't seen the blog yet, so Jenn was showing them the old posts.

As you can see, Jeannette is really growing. I went through my previous posts and it's amazing how much she's grown and changed in just the two short months she's been with us. Here, you can see her sporting and awesome knitted jacket and hat (the hat truly is awesome) that her Grandma made for her.

Here's the whole outfit. Notice those cute little socks too! We can't wait for winter now as Bumbles has all kinds of cute little outfits to model.

Yes, that's right. Jeannette's nickname is Bumbles. Don't ask me how mommy came up with it, but, it has stuck. Bumbles has discovered she has a fist and she is very interested in it. Sometimes, she studies it so hard her eyes go cross eyed. I think she does it on purpose cuz it makes things look funny. When she's hungry, we say she's "Rumbly Bumbly." When she's cranky, she's "Grumbly Bumbly."

I know... it's too cute, but, so is she!

She's very alert and has grown a ton! She's wearing the 3/6 month outfits now as all her newborn to 3 months clothes are too small on her. She enjoys being on her back and playing with the dangly balls and such and can even kick the ball by her feet, although I think it's mostly on accident. She's also desperately trying to learn how to sit up on her own. Sometimes it looks like she's doing baby-robics as she cranks out the crunches trying to get into an upright position.

She's also a champ at holding her head up. She really likes her tummy time, whether it's on her floormat on on daddy's tummy. It gives her chance to look around. She's even started reaching out and grabbing things.

Of course, being a baby, Bumbles still sleeps a lot. Here she is all ready for Santa. I think she heard someone mention presents. :)